Solidarity Payroll for charities

This is a form of collaboration between a private company, its employees and a non-profit organisation.

It is called “payroll rounding” because one of the most common options is to offer employees the possibility of donating cents from their paycheck until their paycheck are in whole numbers.

For its part, the company can choose to just manage the collection of the donations from its employees' paychecks, or to double the amount collected when the time comes to make the donation. This is known as a "matching gift". This option of doubling the employees' contribution represents a motivating element and generates a sense of pride of belonging within the organisation.

The sum of all donations collected goes to an NGO/foundation project that employees have previously selected through a vote; alternatively, several charitable projects may benefit.

A payroll rounding programme offers a great opportunity to generate and share positive values both inside and outside the company. It is also a channel for the people who form part of the company to build a solidarity experience together and express their humanity.

ONCE Foundation can help your company to design and implement this initiative. If you need more information, you can contact us through:

"Gracias a ti": The solidarity payroll for charities of the ONCE Social Group

All donations received in 2022, plus contributions from ONCE Foundation and Ilunion:

  • + 450,000 euros donated
  • + 1,800 employees have participated
  • + 245 projects presented
  • 18 finalist projects

The total of the donations received in 2023, plus the contributions of ONCE Foundation and Ilunion, will be given to the 3 social projects that have been chosen from among all the employees, which are:

  • ProTGD Asociation
  • Aladina Foundation
  • Capacis Foundation