Priority Patronage Activities

What are Priority Patronage Activities?

ONCE Foundation has two programs that are part of Priority Patronage Activities: the "Opportunity for Talent" University Scholarship Program for students with disabilities and the "Through Digital Talent" Training Program in Digital and Technological Competencies and Professions to promote the employment of people with disabilities in a high-demand sector.

This is a source of great pride for ONCE Foundation and entails an additional 5% tax deduction on donations made by individuals and companies in the current year.

For individuals, your first 150 euros donated will have an 85% tax deduction, and the remainder will have a 40% deduction, potentially increasing to 45% if you have donated to ONCE Foundation in the two previous fiscal years.

If you are a company, in addition to the tax deduction allowed by the law, you will receive an extra 5%, totalling a 45% deduction, and potentially even 55% if you donated to ONCE Foundation in the two previous fiscal years.

  • Por Talento Digital

    "La Innovación distingue a los líderes de los seguidores" Steve Jobs ¿Qué es Por Talento Digital? Es una plataforma formativa centrada en la mejora de los conocimientos y las competencias digitales de las personas con discapacidad y, en...

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  • Becas Oportunidad al Talento

    El Programa de “Becas de Oportunidad al Talento” es una apuesta de la Fundación ONCE por el fomento de la educación inclusiva. Estas becas buscan aprovechar todo el potencial del talento de los universitarios con discapacidad e impulsar su...

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Contact us through the following channels:

Call us for more information at the following telephone numbers:               
Llamar al 91 506 89 18 | Llamar al 91 506 89 19
Write us an e-mail to our address:      
Or fill in the following form