Legal notice

THE ONCE FOUNDATION, established through Resolution of the ONCE General Council, dated 8 January 1988, and approved and authorised by the Ministry of Social Affairs as a Charity and Assistance Corporation, domiciled in Madrid, Calle Sebastián Herrera, No. 15, and with VAT Identification (CIF) No. G-78661923, is the registered owner of the website

TERMS OF USE AND ACCESS is a free-to-access site. Access to the website is free of charge except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the corresponding service provider contracted by the user.

This “Legal Notice” contains the Conditions of Use and regulates the use of the domain, which the ONCE Foundation offers to internet users. The access and use of the Website services and its contents entails the condition of User thereof and implies the acceptance of each and every one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice, in the version published at the moment in which it is accessed. Therefore, we ask you to read this document thoroughly. The User undertakes to make proper use of the Website, in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. The User must carefully read the Legal Notice each time the Website is accessed, as the conditions for use may undergo amendments.

The ONCE Foundation reserves the right to interrupt access to the web site, as well as the provision of any or all of the services it offers, at any time and without prior notice, either due to technical reasons or for reasons of security, control, maintenance, failure in the electricity supply or for any other cause. Such interruption may be temporary or permanent.


The purpose of this Website is to offer institutional information on the ONCE Foundation and its dealings with individuals, companies and other organisations wishing to make a donation to the ONCE Foundation, while facilitating the communication channels that the Foundation makes available to the public, so as to request further information in this regard or to make a donation to the ONCE Foundation.

The information, services and contents of the Website may be changed by the ONCE Foundation at any time and without prior notice, along with the design, presentation and layout of the Website.

The purpose of the information provided on this Website is to complement, while not substituting the advice that, in any case, must be obtained directly from the ONCE Foundation with regard to making personal or business decisions by the User for the purpose thereof.

Donations are to be made through a Virtual POS, provided by the bank managing such. ONCE Foundation will not keep or treat any banking or card information used to make a donation.


The use of online services are completely free of charge, however, access to certain services or requests for information associated with the ONCE Foundation will be dependant on the prior completion of the corresponding User registration form that will be provided each time on the Website.

All of the information provided by the User on the Website forms for the foregoing or any other purposes must be accurate. For these purposes, the User ensures the authenticity of all the provided data thereof and will keep the provided information up-to-date, who will also be liable for any false or inaccurate information and for any damages caused to the Foundation.


The Internet User who includes links from their own Website pages must comply with the following conditions:

  • The link will only be associated with the home page of the Website, where it may not be reproduced in any manner (copies of texts, graphics, etc.).
  • It is prohibited, pursuant to current legislation, at all moments, to establish frames of any kind that may be used to show a selection of the Website or allow the visualisation of its content through Internet addresses other than those of the Website and, in any event, when viewed together with content outside the Website, where they:
    • cause, or could cause, an error, confusion or mislead the Users about the true origin of the service or contents;
    • suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation;
    • serve to take advantage of the reputation or prestige of the ONCE Foundation or any of the individuals or entities included on the Website
    • or that is prohibited by current legislation.
    • A Website that includes the link may not make any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the ONCE Foundation, its members and, in general, the individuals or entities that appear or are mentioned on the Website
    • Under no circumstance will it be construed that the Website including the link has the consent of the ONCE Foundation for the inclusion of the link or that otherwise endorses, collaborates or verifies the services of the owner of such link.
    • The Website that contains the link will comply with the law and may not, under any circumstances, provide or link its own or third party content that:
      • is illicit, harmful or contrary to morality and good morals (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.);
      • induce or that could induce the User with a false idea to what the ONCE Foundation subscribes to, endorses, accedes to or in any other way fosters any legal or illegal ideas, statements or expressions of the referrer; or
      • are incoherent with the activity of the ONCE Foundation in relation to the place, contents and subject matter of the referrer's website.


Unless expressly stated otherwise, all the information contained on this Website (including, without limitation, texts, images, sounds, animations, graphics, buttons, computer programmes and databases), as well as graphic design, navigation structure and programming, images, source codes, trademarks, trade names, business names, articles, reports, etc., are subject to the industrial and intellectual property rights of the ONCE Foundation or third parties, and, for the latter purpose, third parties will be identified.

Notwithstanding the permitted uses, pursuant to the Terms of Use or for those established under Articles 31 to 34 of Intellectual Property Law (Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, dated 12 April), the rights of disclosure, reproduction, distribution, public communication and adaptation of the contents of this Website corresponds exclusively to ONCE Foundation.

The Users of this Website are authorised to view, reproduce, print and partially download the content of the Website only when the following conditions are met:

  • That it is compatible with the purposes of the Website and that it does not harm the image and good name of ONCE Foundation or the persons or entities mentioned or included on the
  • That the use for such is personal and private. The exploitation or use for commercial or promotional purposes is expressly prohibited.
  • That the industrial and intellectual property rights of ONCE Foundation are respected. Under no circumstance will the total or partial modification of the aforementioned content be permitted, nor their decompilation or the alteration of its integrity. In any case, the term "copyright", or its equivalent symbol “©”, must be included on any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents of this website, when referring to the ONCE Foundation..

Failure to comply with the foregoing conditions will constitute an illicit activity, which may give rise to the corresponding civil or criminal penalties pursuant to the applicable legislation.

Under no circumstances does access to the Website assume the waiver, transfer, assignment or total or partial license of the foregoing industrial or industrial property rights, nor does it confer any right of use, translation, adaptation, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, dissemination or public communication, for commercial purposes, of such contents without the prior and express approval of the ONCE Foundation or its legal holders.

The use of links to the internal pages of ONCE Foundation's websites (deep linking) will require the prior consent of such entity.

The rights of the User to view and obtain a copy in the cache of the User's computer, as a transient or incidental reproduction, are unaffected, although at no time is the User authorised to disseminate such to third parties.

The infringement of any of the aforesaid rights may constitute a violation of these clauses or a crime punishable in accordance with Articles 270 et seq. of the Penal Code.


The ONCE Foundation will not be liable for any interruptions to services, delays, errors, malfunction of services caused by reasons beyond the control of ONCE Foundation and/or due to any fraudulent action or misuse by the User and/or that which is considered as force majeure. Force majeure is understood to include: breaches by third parties, operators or service companies, lack of access to the networks of third parties, acts or omissions of Public Authorities, events occurring as a consequence of natural phenomena, black outs or similar, or the attacks of hackers or third parties specialised in computer system security or integrity, provided that the Foundation has adopted all reasonable security measures in accordance with current technology.

In any case, for whatever reason, the ONCE Foundation will not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and/or loss of income. In any case, for whatever reason, the ONCE Foundation will not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and/or loss of income.

The ONCE Foundation is not responsible for the content and opinions of third parties uploaded onto its Website or the information contained in the Webpages of third parties that can be accessed via links or search engines of the Website, since the function of such is to inform to the User about the existence of other sources of information on the subject found on the Internet, where the information offered on this Website may provide additional information. Accordingly, the ONCE Foundation will not be held liable for any consequences while using these hypertext links.

When third-party websites can be accessed through search engines or links, the ONCE Foundation acts as a provider of intermediary services in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and will only be held liable for the contents and services provided in the linked sites, to the extent of when it has effective knowledge of any illegality and where it has not deactivated the link through due diligence.

In any event, the existence of linked sites does not presuppose the existence of agreements with the responsible parties or owners thereof, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of the ONCE Foundation with the statements, content or services provided therein.

The ONCE Foundation does not have any knowledge of the contents and services of the linked sites and, therefore, it will not be held liable for any damages caused due to an illegality, quality, outdated information, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and/or services of the Linked Sites or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to the ONCE Foundation.

The ONCE Foundation may not be held responsible for how the User makes use of the services of the Website or for User passwords, nor for any other material on the Website, while infringing the industrial or intellectual property rights or any other third-party right.

The ONCE Foundation will not be held liable for any errors, faults or damages, either direct or indirect, that may be caused to the User's computer system (hardware and software) or to the files or documents stored therein, which are caused or derive from:

  • The capacity or quality of the computer system or due to possible computer viruses affecting the User, deriving from browsing the Website or for any other damages arising from such navigation. It is the User’s responsibility, in any case, to possess the adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
  • Connection or Internet access.
  • Any malfunctioning of the User’s browser, or due to the use of the User’s computer applications, whose versions are not updated or the corresponding user license has not been obtained.

The ONCE Foundation does not offer any guarantee for the absence of errors in any of the content on its Web Site and, also, it does not guarantee the correction of any defect or absence of viruses or any other harmful element in this Website or on its Server.

The User shall be held liable against the ONCE Foundation for any damages caused as a result of a breach of these conditions of use of the Website and other obligations set forth in this Legal Notice.


Any data collected, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, by this form will be included in a file registered in the General Registry of Data Protection, whose responsibility is that of ONCE Foundation for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disability, (hereinafter “Data Controller”), bearer of VAT Identification (CIF) No. G-78661923.

The purpose of collecting personal data is for the creation of a database containing the information of individuals and entities wishing to make donations to the Data Controller or to obtain further information from such.

You may freely exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose (always pursuant to the cases referred to the current legislation) by writing to Fundación ONCE para la Cooperación e Inclusión Social de Personas con Discapacidad (ONCE Foundation for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disability) at c/ Sebastián Herrera, 15. 28012, Madrid, indicating in the notice the reference “LOPD” (Personal Data Protection Law) and attaching a photocopy of your National ID Card. Such information will be stored and managed with due confidentiality, applying the IT security measures established by the applicable legislation so as to prevent your details from being unduly accessed, used, processed, damaged or lost.

The data you provide may be used to keep you informed about issues related to our activity, through various communication channels.

The ONCE Foundation adopts levels of security as required by Regulation on Security Measures, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, approving the implementation of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on protection of personal data, which is to mean adopting the necessary measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access to personal data, while taking into account, at all times, the condition of the technology. Notwithstanding the foregoing, security measures on the Internet are not impervious and there may be infiltrations due to fraudulent actions by third parties.


Anything not specifically covered in these general terms and conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation.

Spanish law will govern any litigation or matter concerning the Website, where the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain) will be designated as the competent bodies for the resolution of any disputes arising from or related to the Website.


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