How to collaborate
People with disability need your help
In 20% of Spanish households there is at least one person with a disability. However, despite the progress made in recent decades, people with disabilities continue to be, for the most part, a vulnerable social group. They experience multiple difficulties and face various barriers to develop their lives on equal terms in aspects such as education, training, employment, culture and leisure.
We can all contribute to change this reality; public administrations, private entities and individuals like YOU.
The ONCE Foundation and the Æquitas Foundation want to make your collaboration easier by proposing that you make, through your TESTAMENT, a LEGACY in favour of the ONCE Foundation. This LEGACY will be directly used to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families, through the development of our programmes and actions.
The potential beneficiaries of the Foundation are Spanish citizens with physical, intellectual, sensory or mental disabilities. This includes a wide range of people who benefit directly from the ONCE Foundation's programmes and projects, including children and the elderly with different types of disabilities and their families.
Inheritances and legacies
Tax advantages
The part of the inheritance you leave to the ONCE Foundation will not be reduced by taxes as the Foundation is not subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax as it is a legal entity.
On the other hand, the income that the ONCE Foundation receives from the LEGACY you grant will be exempt from corporate income tax as it is a non-profit entity (Law 49/2002).
Most tax regulations are constantly evolving, adapting to the social, economic and legal needs of the moment. That is why we put the Technical Office of the Programme at your disposal for any questions you may have. Please, ask us your questions.