Historias gracias a tu donación

Pedro, the formation his best ally

Pedro Arroyo, who was born with an intellectual disability, had to undergo surgery at 8 years of age to place a valve in the brain to regulate excessive fluid accumulation.
He led a normal life until he was 21 when the valve failed. After two months in a coma, he lost mobility in his arms and legs, and his cognitive abilities were affected.
Despite the few hopes offered by doctors, Pedro, thanks to his efforts, managed to regain mobility and with it the opportunity to integrate into the world of work. Through the ONCE Foundation he got a first job and currently works in Servicios Industriales Zona Centro, S.L. in the chain of manipulated and shrink-wrapped, company belonging to ILUNION. In these years, Pedro has accessed several computer and quality control courses, which have made possible his labor and social inclusion.
Today, at the age of 48, she lives independently in a home she has acquired with her work. In the afternoons he helps his mother with domestic chores and on the weekends he goes to the Calderón to cheer up what he says is "the best team in the world".